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Sharing Ideas And Putting Technology To Work For Us In my five years as a free-lance journalist there were numerous occasions that I met individuals from all walks of life and in many different circumstances who all encouraged me and sometimes even discussed my articles. Many people ask me how do I get the time and energy to do all the things I am doing. I am driven by a desire to share whatever idea or opportunity that God sends my way from time to time. However, after all these years there has never been anyone who pursued me as diligently as a gentleman in the past week who will remain nameless. After several telephone calls and our efforts to find a convenient time to meet, he finally arrived at my office at about 1:30 pm on September 5, 2002. He recalled reading several of my articles and shared some thoughts with me. Like most other people he enquired how I am able to keep up with my busy schedule and still find time to write. We did not only discuss current issues, he brought me a copy of a Barbados publication - "Business Authority" which he thought would make interesting reading for me. I placed the publication in my briefcase and I knew I would have read it before the evening ended and so I did. After he left my office, I thought that I would try the ADSL experience as it was installed earlier in the day on the computer on my desk. After checking my e-mails, I drifted to find out how is my website www.stluciarealtors.com doing? I checked a few Search Engines to see how it was positioned, including Yahoo, MSN, Google, etc. and I was on the first page of most Search Engines. Using selected search phases, the site came up in positions, 1, 2, 4, 7. It is a miracle for such a relatively new website to achieve those positions. I must admit it took some assistance from my webmaster and my own efforts to achieve the positions. Given the state of the real estate business most Realtors are looking forward to the tourists and overseas based St. Lucians during the winter months. I am eagerly looking forward to my website being kept busy with enquiries. I always contend that just having a website is not enough. Constant updating is necessary even if it is customers testimonials. Here is where most persons have a problem with webmasters who are most times to busy to effect updates or the charges are too costly or a combination of both. I update my website, www.stlucia-simplybeautiful.com every Friday while www.stluciarealtors.com is updated at least once a month. There is always something new awaiting my visitors especially on the latter site. Press Releases, Own a Piece of the Rock updates, etc. It is also possible for persons seeking to list properties to do so on line. Something must be done by owners of websites to keep them fresh and as a result give visitors an incentive to return again and again. I recommend that owners of websites try to check the popularity of their websites by checking often with their hosting company report which provide daily updates on the hits, etc. It is most beneficial to know your position on the search engines. To be in an advantageous position your site should be listed no further than on pages 1 and 2. I tried three phrases, St. Lucia Realtors, St. Lucia Properties and I am very happy with the results those two. I have some work to do on the third phase - St. Lucia Real Estate Agents. While I am not doing well on the latter, my webmaster - cavip.com where I have a link on the home page will take care of this as the site is well rated on the search engines in the areas of real estate and tourism. The new business frontier is the internet and we do need to hear more about this phenomenon which is leveling the playing field when it comes to promoting of goods and services to the global market and afford Entrepreneurs a real opportunity to play on the field of Globalisation and Trade Liberalisation. Here are some of the top Search Engines which I would like to recommend that you Phase Search using the key phrases that describe your services. It is even better when your site comes up internationally offering a stand alone - unique product/service which means you do not have to use country specific lead, e.g. St. Lucia - Real Estate. Top Search Directories and Engines include: Yahoo, Look Smart, Netscape, Hotbot, MSN, AOL, Alltheweb, google, and Lycos. Surfers are more and more relying on the use of Search Engines to arrive at their destination. There are over 300 million internet user, 50 million on line shoppers, 1.5 million commercial websites. There is a saying that if you are not on line, you are not in business in the internet age. What are you doing about utilizing technology in your business, especially the internet? Many persons are using the computer for their book keeping and inventory management but enough persons are not making effective use of the internet for communication via the e-mail and surfing the world wide web to source raw materials, products and services. I am a believer, I believe that one day soon that there should be a retreat to identify products and services that St. Lucians can put on the global market and demand their piece of the action. I am convinced that we are capable of producing unique products and services. Don't we have any idea that the world has not dreamed up as yet or could we zoom in on an established idea that could position us alongside the leaders in its category. The answer is, like in most other matters of progress, we must come together to share ideas and experiences. Make it a must to attend the Technology Exhibition sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce, NDC and Cable and Wireless scheduled for 12-15 September, 2002 at the National Cultural Centre. I do hope that others will follow in the footsteps of my recent visitor so that I will know for sure that I am not alone. In the meantime, join me in praying the Prayer of Jabez that there will be some miracles in our midst so that everyone could be a part of the many blessings God has in store for us. Keep the Faith - God is in charge! September 14, 2002 |
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