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It is Time to Welcome Motivational Gurus to our Shores!!! Some will say that in times like these we need a Saviour. Others will say it is the season for war and rumors of war. Yet others will say believing in themselves that when the going gets rough, the rough gets going. Whether you believe in a Supreme Being, God, Satan or in yourself, in times like these everyone needs to belong and have belief in someone or something. For my part I will continue to believe in my Heavenly Father and His Son Yahshua - The Messiah. I am a Biblicist and believe strongly in the principles of the Bible. I need to make a distinction here that I am not a Christian; I am a Disciple, a Biblicist. Morality and Religion do not always go down the same path. Some things can be Morally correct but Religiously wrong. So we must understand for ourselves what we believe in. You might be asking the question who is Yahweh and who is Yahshua? These are the sacred names of our Heavenly Father and His Son. These names are fundamental to our salvation. To me it is very important that persons be addressed by their original names or should I say their proper real names, not by call or nick names. We all are conscious of the fact how some people behave if you miss spell their names or insist on calling them names that are incorrect. Do you believe that our Heavenly Father is pleased by our insistence on calling every other name than his Memorial Name. Seek out His true Name and you will be very happy you did. How many of us have taken the time off to find out from our religious leaders what is the doctrinal position of the denomination/group? Do you know that some Christians are reigning with the Messiah, even at this time? Others hope to meet Him in the air at the time of the rapture while others will join Him after the 1000 years. Some believe you must receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit when you are born again and this must be manifested in the speaking of Tongues - a Heavenly language, with signs following. Many other religions do not subscribe to this process of salvation, just choosing to accept that the baptism of the Holy Spirit brings about a change in behaviour with a new consciousness. All in all while we have in our midst an Ecumenical Grouping, the leaders are all going down different paths. But there is promise, that one day, we will all come to the knowledge of the Man – Yahshua the Messiah and He will reveal true doctrine to us. Our Heavenly Father is not the author of confusion. Why so many doctrines? Yahshua taught one doctrine not several. Having said that, it is very clear that no group has exclusivity on true doctrine and as a result there is a falling away from the traditional assembling of the people. Churches were filled with families and the church provided leadership at all levels. Today, politicians have assumed the leadership role, except in the area of spiritual guidance, which has removed denominational dominance, which affected persons outside of Christianity in times past. For example Hindus and Muslims in countries like Guyana and Trinidad had to become Christians to obtain jobs. In many countries around the world religion was suppressed because a lack of unity among believers. It is therefore possible to conclude that the church was a place of motivation for most of the people. However, in today's world where most people are not involved in church or seriously rely on leadership from the religious groups, we must find a balance, and here is where the Motivational Gurus have come into there own. Many preachers today follow in their footsteps. Last weekend Nation of Barbados carried two articles on motivational speakers, namely Iyanla Vanzant who was recorded as encouraging her audience to "Ignite the fire within" when she addressed them at the Sherbourne Conference Center. Another article featuring Motivational Speaker Toby Malichi addressing secondary school students at the Olympus Theatre where he "Dared them to Dream" challenging them to be future leaders of the world and be Winners one and all. It is always Barbadians discovering the new direction first, opening their arms to the originators and then promote their finds in the other islands of the Caribbean. I want to believe that the Bajans are ahead of all the other islands in creative endeavours and keeping ahead of the pack generally. At least so it appears. Let us look at the movement of skills within the region. Barbados will grab anyone with the skills they need and as a result they are moving ahead. They have done extremely well with the University of the West Indies Graduate Programme and the other categories of skills, which were approved by the Heads of Government within Caricom a few years ago. I have been calling upon a few organisations to look into that area for sometime now. No one is taking me on just two weeks ago I was making the case that what is needed most at this time is to give people hope. Not only in what can happen in the future but to be positive about themselves. And again this may well be the method for bringing people back to the church. There is no other book that gives hope more than the Bible. I am making a public appeal that some funds be put into opening up a Motivational Programme to train the Trainers who will become Motivational Ambassadors. There are a few in our midst who are already doing this but many more with a little training can do it as well. There are powerful speakers in our midst who are knowledgeable in many subject areas and can become the nucleus of the outreach motivational programme. I am amazed at the way I am validated by the many things that come to pass after I write or speak about them. Let us open minds to new ideas, embrace those who will lead us to new opportunities. It is time for us all to realize that we can do all things through our Messiah who strengtheneth us. Whatever the mind can conceive and believe that can be achieved - Napoleon Hill. It is time for more dreamers to be encouraged in our midst. What about the big thinkers? Let us begin to conceptualise - visualise and actualise the things that can transform our lives and others. It is all about motivation. Give motivation a try. You may find it good for your body and soul. Barbados has come around to the realization that their people need to be confident in themselves so they can face the nation and become change agents. It is our turn now. God is in Charge. There is no time like His time. I believe He is challenging us to rise to a higher level now!!! |
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