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good happens without God!!! We are all influenced by our family, friends and associates in one way or another at one time or another. There are sometimes when we are bombarded by their requests to join them in taking a certain course of action. The greatest resistance seems to take place when it is a call to holiness, living a life for God. Many are too busy, cannot sacrifice the time from their businesses, when not in business, it is time to have fun with friends, etc., etc.. While many try to resist the influence of religion on their lives, sometime, somewhere somehow, they are confronted with the realization that nothing good happens without God. Several years now, I am aware of the Businessmen Full Gospel Fellowship but in recent months, I was invited by several members of the St. Lucia Chapter to attend one of their functions. I always believe nothing happens before its time but I will be first to recognize that procrastination deprives many from their full share of blessings. However, if you are to receive a certain blessing or get to a place where you would be glad you did, you will! On reflection you may say to yourself, I could have been enjoying this special state earlier, which could have been years, months or week. Time is always the essence. So after several failures on my part to respond positively to invitations to participate in the activities of the Chapter, I finally arrived at the Green Parrot Hotel for a Power Breakfast last Saturday, 19/07/03. I met many businesspersons and their spouses and found the whole experience to be every spiritually refreshing. More than ever, we need such activities as businesspersons strive to grapple with the anxieties and uncertainties of life. Many Entrepreneurs have seen their businesses decline as in many cases close. Businesspersons have become employees, a situation which has created stressful relationships at home and at work. Sometimes, families have to live apart while husbands or wives seek to travel overseas to find a way of supporting the families. That is not the way most of us in this generation have come to know and experience life. Definitely, in times like these, we all do need a Saviour. I feel that the Full Gospel Fellowship has a role to play and this is an accepted fact as the movement is currently in 162 countries and celebrates 50 years of service to Businessmen, pointing them to God while bringing them together, leading them to see God as their leader and affording them an awakening to the fact of fellowshipping with their families. FGFI Chapters can bring about a shift to put men back in the pews of churches. The experience of last Saturday brought back many pleasant memories to me and even my writings in my weekly column over the years and developments in my own life. The start of the programme was delayed somewhat but God was in charge, so the delay was for a purpose. It gave men and women the opportunity to discuss with others their life’s experiences. For me, I allowed me to do some networking at my table and on the floor. For some strange reason, in talking with a young lady who sat next to me I brought up the topic of Multi Level Marketing . I remembered telling her that I was a MLM junkie. It has been months since I last looked at any such programme, even though I was approached at the least twice by individuals and whenever an offer appears in one of my mail boxes, I would immediately place it in the trash. To my surprise a few minutes after I arrived home, filled with my portion of blessings, had launch and went to sleep only to be awakened by a phone call from a gentleman visiting from Barbados who was given my name for him to contact me, and there it was an offer to join a MLM Group. He invited me to attend a meeting at 6pm. I willingly attended. What was the out come? I signed up. I was offered support in one of my ventures at the meeting and updated my Real Estate Listing. I am a Networker and I pray that the Heavenly Father will open doors so that my needs will be met, even in a setting of Spiritual Fellowship. I also met a gentleman who presented the answer to getting a special type of assistance for a programme I am about to start and before I left the meeting, I made an appointment to meet with him two days later. He has since decided to collaborate with me. Finally, the programme got started and the Chapter Chairman, Mr. Roger Sutherland presided over the proceedings. The testimonies were very moving and persons present were pointed to the miracle working power of God. It is interesting to note that people drawn to God through His word and such spiritual songs as Amazing Grace, How Great Thou Art, Blessed Assurance, etc. It was a refreshing experience and I appeal to the brave gentlemen who shared their testimonies to continue to motivate men for higher service not in death but in life. Brotherhood is at work in the Chapter. I sense that men are able to discuss their business problems, business expansion or just ideas that they wish to implement and they are afforded the opportunity to pray about it, coming together under God to make a difference in their communities. I have always contended that spiritual things cannot be divorced from the physical. While Christians might be good at coming together and build churches, what about generating economic activity in their communities in an effort to reduce poverty? The BFGFI Chapters while not a religious body should be given full access to church groups to begin a programme of economic outreach. I am further convinced about the principle in the book – Celestine Prophecy. It is simple, never resist a persistent invitation or the persistent presence of someone who come into your path several times. There is always a reason. Open up. God may well have a plan for you through the intervention of that person and all that is necessary is that you step out in faith. To the many persons who have been introduced to the Jabez Prayer found in 1 Cor. Ch. 4, vs. 10. Take that verse of scripture seriously, it can literally change your life, truly enlarge your border and give you God’s protection. Never miss an opportunity for a more fulfilling and abundant life. I could have stayed home, or just do something else but the moments spent in fellowship with members of the Chapter and their friends were most rewarding. I will do it again and invite my readers to share in the experience. The members of the Chapter meet every Wednesday at the Green Parrot Hotel on the Morne at 7.30pm. Remember nothing good happens without God!!! Keep the Faith!! |
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