MAY 25, 2006



Business is a game, many of us have had the joy of playing Monoply when we were growing up and that simple game taught us a few lessons, the most outstanding being that of ownership of prime real estate. As adults, we sit at our desks planning winning strategies and many of us have turned out to be big winners in the game of business.

The average person will never get wealthy on a 9 to 5 job so the ambitious few go on to become business owners. Many more people could become business owners but they never will because they determined to themselves that they can’t. I say yes you can! It begins with the determination to make a bold statement to yourself and to your friends. Look around you, take stock of your physical and mental assets, look around, and see which area of business you will like to be engaged in. Once you have identified your fit, stay focus and take the steps that are necessary. A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. Be passionate about your goal, fill your mind with it, talk freely about it, let everybody know that you are going to fire your boss and be in business for yourself. Put a time line to it. By January 1, 2007, you are going to be in business for yourself.

A substantial amount of the people that you share your dream with will check back with you to see how you are progressing, many mockingly but you know that is expected. Therein lies your challenge to have the last laugh. As your date line draws closer the enquiries will increase. All you need to do is to keep smiling and reassure them it will be alright as planned and on time.

I hope you are with me or are you saying this is so simple, I don’t have any money, I don’t have what it takes to be a businessperson, well if you are not with me it is not too late because I am going turn you on to the possibilities step by step and if you believe you can it is only God who can stop you. No power on earth can keep down. It is up to you.

So you are fed up with your job, living from pay cheque to pay cheque, most times not enough to pay all the bills but life goes on. Many of us can do with a second job but we are not willing to make the extra sacrifice. These are times for a second job if having a job is all that you feel you are worthy of. But I am not addressing this article to chronic employees, I am looking for those persons who are seeking to step out of the darkness into the marvelous light of business, the game that offers a better live for you and your family.

The family is important, but good friends sometimes are more than family. Form a mastermind group and begin to brainstorm. Invite your close relatives and friends over for a drink one weekend and when they assemble, make an announcement that the purpose of the gathering is to inform them that you are going to business for yourself by a particular date and you are seeking their help. Then get down to the first order of business, Ask the question – if you were to go into business today what business would you venture into. You will be amazed to note how many of your friends have been sizing up businesses and have ideas but do nothing. Before you called the gathering together, you should have been giving thought to the type of business you could get passionate about. So ideas are flowing and by the end of the evening you will be left with a lot to chew on. Go to bed and deal with the matter when you awake the following day. At that point you narrow down the discussion to you and that special someone in your life. By the end of that day you will know if you have a partner or you have to go it alone, go to bed again and the following morning whether you have a partner or have to go it alone, it is your decision and once again take pride in announcing your position with a dateline.

Once you make the decision to be in business for yourself, let no one stand in your way, just keep talking about it at every opportunity and a few things can happen, persons with experiences in various areas of knowledge in related areas to the business you decided upon will come forward and offer guidance and assistance. However, be careful with those who will want to dot every i and cross every t. Big winners seldom run with other persons advice because what the eyes of winners see the average person doesn’t. When people say you are mad, that is the statement that applies to big winners. Check it out. Big winners throw caution to the wind and when their advisors say they can’t, that is the time they win. And it goes back to the challenge. It is all about developing the right mind set. If you think you can, then you can. Whatever the mind can conceive and believes, it achieves. Do you believe Napoleon Hill? I do and I hope you do. Do yourself a favour and buy a copy of the book – Think and Grow Rich – By Napoleon Hill. You are sure to get it on www.Amazon.com

Start small and grow the business. Using this principle, you can get into business with less than $200.00 or no money at all. It is still possible in these days to go into business without money. I am amazed that with all the training I am hearing about I am yet to hear about Salesmanship. Everyone was born with this gift even if they were born dumb and yet nothing but nothing is done to develop the art of salesmanship in our young people. The saying – don’t give a person a fish, rather teach the person to fish comes alive in salesmanship. A true salesperson could never be hungry.

There is no better game than business, it is a game that beckons everyone, but only a few respond. Survival of any business is dependent on sales so with the knowledge of salesmanship, you should never be unemployed. Salesmanship levels the playing field.
Want to learn the art of salesmanship and find out how you can get into business without Money? Send me an email at NoFreeMoney@gmail.com Micro and Small Businesses give their owners a special something – Independence!!!

Keep the faith, God is in Charge!

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