September 20, 2006



Having been out of St. Lucia for two months, upon returning home, I discovered that so much have happened, and I can’t help but notice the many new construction projects, especially in the tourism sector. St. Lucia is moving on and definitely experiencing a construction boom. Everyone is busy trying to get in on the special incentives offered to persons seeking to provide accommodation for the CWC 2007 and beyond.

It is obvious that quite a few properties will not be completed for Cricket World Cup 2007, some for St. Lucia Jazz 2007 and others well beyond that time. The organizers for CWC 2007 are well advanced with preparations and the expected infrastructure throughout the region seems to be on schedule, St. Lucia as usual is way ahead. However, we need to pay some special attention this year to St. Lucia Jazz. Every effort should be made to ensure that the best line up of artistes ever to grace the stage at the Pigeon Island Landmark be contracted for the grand affair.

I envisage that at the end of CWC 2007, St. Lucia will never be the same. We must plan to reduce any negative fall out from this period of great expectations. While the current spate of criminal activities must be arrested, there is still a high level of goodwill for St. Lucia. A campaign to give visitors confidence that they are safe in St. Lucia must be mounted immediately. In the meantime, it should be everybody’s business to maintain the positive image that we have developed and will continue to strive to maintain by promoting the use of the internet as a promotional tool by Blogging and other means such as Web links to spread the word around the world that St. Lucia is a unique destination for business and pleasure, and this must be the responsibility of every St. Lucian with access to a computer.

It is time the National Development Corporation, St. Lucia Tourist Board and the St. Lucia Hotel and Tourism Association develop an incentive scheme to reward persons who promote St. Lucia as a destination for business. Some years ago, I made a suggestion that Business & Tourism Representatives should be appointed around the world to introduce St. Lucia to their business and professional colleagues, families, relatives and friends. All Multi Level Marketing Opportunity Meetings end with a challenge to opportunity seekers to write down the names and contact information of at least 25 persons who they would wish to share the opportunity with. It is a numbers game. The more people that we bring to their attention the joys of a St. Lucian holiday, the more visitors we will get to our shores.

So I am now proposing an extension to my original suggestion that all persons residing in St. Lucia with access to a computer to get involved with the promotion of St. Lucia. Are you convinced that St. Lucia is Nice, Simply Beautiful, the Helen of the West Indies and much more? Then tell the world that St. Lucia has something special to share with them. We need to do more of this. Owners of websites must be encouraged to establish links with the following sites, www.stlucia.org www.stlucia.gov.lc www.stluciandc.com The challenge will be to fill all these rooms that will come on stream, beyond May 2007. There will be need for additional airlifts. There are operators of non scheduled charters who are willing to look at St. Lucia but I guess some attention will have to be paid to our existing aviation laws and agreements. Maybe, it is time to revisit them. It is important to note that we are in competition with the U.S.A. to attract holiday makers and it is not only foreigners visiting the USA, it is the citizens of the U.S.A. who are being wooed to travel within the USA.

I am surprised that a Bed and Breakfast (B&B) Association has not yet got off the ground. It would be helpful if the SLHTA would give a group of interested small hotel owners a push in that direction. This does not mean that such a body will not work alongside the SLHTA. There was a time when most small business owners/manufacturers were members of the St. Lucia Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture while actively participating in the St. Lucia Industrial and Small Business Association. Then came a time when SLISBA thought that members who were involved in manufacturing should organize themselves and form a Manufacturers Association. That proposal got the interest of the members of the manufacturing sector within the Chamber as well, and in the end a St. Lucia Manufacturers Association was formed. Although some businesspersons did not see the need for the formation of such a grouping, the Association made great gains for its membership who today, play an active role in the Chamber while maintaining their focus to get the best for the manufacturing sector. This is the SLHTA’s moment to shine and really hold the hands of the B&B sub-sector and lead them to the promised land. I have always contended that some things are better done by the persons who are directly involved in certain activities for themselves.

There are some fundamental lessons that we overlook in life and in business and in many instances we need to get back to basics. Each guest that visits must be turned into an Ambassador for St. Lucia and the property where they stayed whether large or small. The principal aim of the operator should be the make the experience a memorable one. There are so many simple things that can be done. Capturing data is vital. Ask your guests to record their stay in the guest book, keep in contact with the guests.

If we understand the true meaning of the word – Hospitality, our attitude to the industry at all levels will change, and this must happen soon as with every passing day we become more dependent upon tourism.

Keep the faith, God is in Charge. In everything give thanks.

EMAIL: eaharrisdestiny@gmail.com

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