February 21, 2007



I am writing this article just a day before our Nation celebrates its 28th Anniversary of Independence on Thursday, 22nd February, 2007. It is amazing how time moves swiftly along. On occasions like these, it is necessary for us to take stock of our achievements and ponder upon whether we have done what could be considered pleasing in the eyes of God and man. There is no doubt our beautiful country has experienced substantial developments since it became an independent State and we must be first to acknowledge that and give praise and thanks to the Almighty!

Governments have come and gone and come again. It is important for our political leaders to look back at their own contributions in the past and assess where we are as a nation and where we are going, taking into consideration the realities of today and how they are likely to impact upon the future. It is all about legacy. How will our leaders wish to be remembered? In making one’s mark on society a few things must be clear in your mind, principal among them should be: 1. Will it be beneficial to all concerned, and 2. Will it build goodwill and better friendship. I have only borrowed two points from Rotary’s 4 Way Test. The other two are somewhat difficult in these times as many would claim that it is not always possible to speak the truth and to be fair. These are lofty goals but are achievable. It is for us to develop a culture of honesty and integrity. There is no better time than this period as we celebrate 28 years of nationhood for us to subscribe to values that will put our society back on track where there will be goodwill among the citizens of our dear land and all those who seek to dwell therein.

I continue to emphasise the point that it is a wonderful time to be alive and to witness the many developments which have taken on substance before our eyes. Many have found themselves doubting the reality but it is clear to see that our island state has been blessed. Our contribution to the Caricom Community as a whole and to the smaller States within the OECS in particular is being recognised internationally.

As we look to the future, we must be resolute in our conviction to contribute in whatever way we can to make St. Lucia a place that will attract the attention of Entrepreneurs, Vacationers and Retirees. Our Nation can only be sustained by its attractiveness to persons with the ability to contribute to our national economy. Today, we rely heavily on Tourism and we must be committed to making St. Lucia a safe place for our visitors. Our people must be highly motivated to achieve the best for St. Lucia. It will take a conscious effort to look around and ask the question, what can I do to make a difference so that my living will not be in vain?

I am calling on those who are savouring their twilight years and are proud to be retirees to step back into battle to ensure that the youth in our midst are moulded in the spirit of prosperity so that they can celebrate life and not be bored by it. We need to capture the hopes and aspirations of our young people by being a source of inspiration and guidance, taking their ideas and assisting them to achieve their goals. It is time for us to develop a Caribbean Volunteer Organisation that will work in all areas of society to ensure that productivity is improved and creativity comes to the fore. Our young people need an avenue to ventilate their ideas. Let us put youth and experience to work for us. I always look back at my early life and I wondered what was the difference between then and now, as it relates to young people. That difference is that real opportunities existed for spiritual, social and personal upliftment through various clubs, religious groups and public lectures, and most important, people gave back to their communities.

As we celebrate our progress through the years and mark this period of celebration of our 28th Anniversary of Independence, let us pray for God’s continued guidance and let every step we take be in His will.

Your membership of the MONEY MAGIC Group awaits you at: http://www.groups.yahoo.com/group/edalharris

Keep the Faith, God is in Charge, Expect Miracles in 2007!

Edward Harris
Email: eaharrisdestiny@gmail.com Website: http://www.edwardharris.ws

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