October 23, 2008



Colin Powell upon throwing his support behind Barack Obama while maintaining his membership as a Republican speaks volumes. The selection of Governor Palin as V/P running mate on the Republican ticket is an affront to many insiders who had to swallow their disappointment in the name of support for the presidential candidate. I feel that now Colin Powell has been brave enough to speak out, many others who share his views will come forward and clear their consciences. After all a man has to live with his conscience.

The next few days will be closing time for both campaigns and we can expect the campaigns to do what they know best regardless. John Mc Cain will get more negative and Barack Obama will stay on the economy, lining up his advisors whom he will consult with when he gets into the White House. I am amazed at the level of interest being shown in the American presidential election campaign. I feel that our local talk show hosts should begin to invite guests who can speak on the campaigns as they see the developments and discuss prospects for the future of the USA economy post election 2008. This could be exciting.

Signals in the economy as they relate to St. Lucia have begun to get mixed. In spite of increased prices, sales are dropping. Fortunately, the economy will heat up as a result of the Christmas season shopping for home improvement and the feast at Christmas. This year, Christmas Carols should be played on the airwaves from November 1, 2008. This will help to ease the stress.

It is necessary for the leaders of Government and Civil Society to sit down and draft out a path for 2009 and beyond. This is a time to establish structures and procedures that will withstand the changes whatever they be. Some of us don’t like to participate in discussions but it is clear that discussions and consultations will be necessary as we navigate through the world’s financial crisis. No one has all the answers; we need the ideas of the brightest and the best in our midst. There should be a number of town hall meetings across the country on the problems of the economies around the world and how these developments will impact our lives.

The future is filled with uncertainties and anxieties. Information and education will help us to find choices that will assist us to cope with the times. It is good to know that God is in charge. Can you imagine what it would have been like if oil price was at US$147.00 per barrel while stock markets, banks and insurance companies are heading down the drain? That would have been chaos. The erratic behaviour of the stock market continues to be cause for concern.

There is nothing that we can do to change the course of action in the developed world, except to ensure that we tighten our belts, get rid of excess and stay tuned to the developments.

The best hope for the world is Barack Obama winning the election on November 4, 2008. We can help by encouraging our relatives and friends in the USA to cast their vote for Obama. It is my hope that our prayers will cause him to be victorious. I will be praying and watching.

Your own positive energy will compel things to turn out the way
you desire when you’re surrounded by positive people.
Choose your environment with care.
Your environment is your mental feeding ground.
It’s where all the food that goes into your mind comes from.
Choose your environment with care, one that is positive,
one that lifts you up and gives you wings to soar.
Create favorable conditions through your association with others.
Avoid people who belittle your ambition.
Small people always do that, but the really great people,
make you feel that you, too, can become great.
We shape our buildings, and then they shape us.
Copyright 2008 www.yourdailymotivation.com

Have a great weekend!

Keep the Faith, God is in Charge, Dream Big and Expect Miracles Everyday!!!

Edward Harris
Real Estate CyberSpace Specialist (RECS)
Freelance Journalist, Biblicist, Business & PR Consultant, Realtor, Networker, Private Sector & CSR Advocate, Motivational Speaker
Email: eaharrisdestiny@gmail.com
Website: http://www.stluciasimplybeautiful.com

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