August 26, 2009



Whether Guyana is poorer than Haiti and St. Lucia is now just as poor, there is business to be done regardless. My own take is that Guyana and St. Lucia in no way can be compared with the economic status of Haiti. There is room for serious debate how the recent conclusion on the state of poverty has been arrived at by the Consultants. It is important that if there is any inaccuracy in the findings that it be corrected in the shortest possible time at it can affect the psyche of our people.

It is quite obvious that unemployment is a major indicator in measuring poverty but St. Lucia doesn’t seem to be in the category it has been placed. However sometimes the situation could be far different from what it appears to be. Looks can be deceiving. It is time we sit up and took a deep breath, look around us and put our statisticians to work on the numbers. If the Consultants who produce the report are correct, we are in some deep trouble, especially when we expect the economic woes to deepen in our part of the world.

If only the need to take warning of the impeding situation, it is time that the Government, regional and international agencies do everything within their power to advance entrepreneurship in the region. A major step is exciting entrepreneurs to the opportunities that exist even in these difficult times. Most of all expose them to business opportunities through, exhibitions, workshops, seminars and conferences that will replace fear with confidence.

The truth is that as the financial crisis deepens in the region, disposable incomes are going to be challenged. Yes, consumers will have to make hard decisions in many areas in their lives and in the end they will have to tighten their belts. This does not mean that there are no longer viable businesses. That is far from the truth.

This past week saw the Embassy of The United States of America in Barbados with responsibility for the OECS and Monroe College collaborating with SLISBA to present a Lecture on SMEs by Mr. Chuck Mills, President of Salera Capital Management of Reston, Virginia, USA. Mr. Mills’ presentation was like music to the ears of his audience. He has a very exciting background which included being a Helicopter Pilot who fought in combat and flew two Presidents, namely Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton respectively. He worked on Wall Street and now manages his own business.

He lectured in many countries including Brazil and South Africa. He talked about the purpose of Incubators and their ability to mould business persons and set them on the road to success, utilizing the power of networking. He alluded to the importance of training and stressed that while most people apply great importance to finance, he placed training as the number one priority. Aspects of sourcing and managing finances were discussed at length in his presentation.

Ms. Flavia Cherry, recently elected President of SLISBA is very much up to the challenge of taking the Association to the next level. She was encouraged by the attendance of members of the Association and other business persons.

I am committed in my articles to point to ways of achieving some of the recommendations I make from time to time. It is my firm conviction that business persons cannot afford to sit back and allow opportunities to pass them by. Business persons must become explorers. They must form alliances. Joint Ventures should be actively pursued. Cross Border investments must be the new thrust. Lawyers and Accountants have a unique opportunity to coach business persons. Many of our successful business persons can be further advanced than there are if they get the right advice and in some cases act together.

All roads lead to Guyana for GUYEXPO 2009. Visionary Consultants in association with the Office of the Honorary Consul for Guyana to Saint Lucia has begun to actively make arrangements to ensure that the planned Business Mission to Guyana achieves the objectives of: 1) Gaining first hand knowledge of goods and services available in Guyana 2) Securing two way trade, 3) Securing Distributors’ Agreements, 4) Establishing Joint Venture Relations, 5) Experiencing the diverse cultures of Guyana.

Business persons and individuals are being presented with an opportunity to visit Guyana during GUYEXPO 2009 which is scheduled for October 1 – 6, 2009 (please note the change of dates, previously scheduled for September 24-29, 2009) at the Sophia Exhibition Site, Georgetown. Persons interested in participating can spend 3 or 5 days depending on their schedule. Ed Harris can be contacted at 485-1456 for further details and registration form. The Business Mission is scheduled for 6 days.

Hereunder is my selected motivational piece of the week.
Sooner or later you’ll encounter a crisis in your life,
and how you meet it will determine your future happiness and success.
Since the beginning of time, everyone has been called upon to meet
such a crisis.
Close scrutiny will show you that most “crisis situations” are opportunities
to either advance or stay where you are.
Indeed, most people make changes in their life out of either
“inspiration” or “desperation.”
Personal growth is the process of responding positively to change.
Whatever comes your way, give it meaning and transform
it into something of value.
A precious stone cannot be polished without friction,
nor humanity perfected without trials..
© Copyright 2008

Keep the Faith; remember always God is in Charge, Dream Big and Expect Daily

Edward A. Harris
Freelance Journalist, Real Estate CyberSpace Specialist (RECS)
Websites: (St. Lucia) (ECREDMC)

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