Harris At Large on Sunday! Program: #16

Sunday 16 August, 2020
Harris At Large on Sunday! Program: #16
Hello Folks!
Happy Sunday! This Facebook Live Show is coming to you from Vigie, in the Capitol of Saint Lucia in Castries. Your Host is Edward Harris.
Here is my selected Quote for today:
If fear is cultivated it will become stronger, if faith is cultivated it will achieve mastery. John Paul Jones
House keeping
As usual, the notes of my weekly programme are posted on my archive at www.stluciasimplybeautiful.com While visiting you can catch up on over 400 of my articles archived on the site. By the end of this month, I am hoping to publish another e-book entitled The Writings of Ed Harris – The Best 100 Articles! Don’t forget to check out my Free e-books at https://stluciagreatpropertydeals.com
Saint Lucia today:
Saint Lucia Simply Beautiful and Blessed! The twenty-five cases of COVID 19 reported recently have all recovered and we are now at zero. St. Lucia remains COVID 19 Death Free. Let us keep it that way.
It would be amiss of me if I fail to mention the carnage that is taking place on our roads. There is a need for more signage dealing with vehicular traffic issues. Any business place leading to the main highway should have a bold stop sign written on and above the ground at the exit.
With the economic challenges of life as experienced in today’s world, people find themselves trying to solve their problems in the least expected places, many times thinking about how the bills will be paid. There is also a need for traffic outposts along major highways to slow down speeding drivers.
The political season in Saint Lucia is beckoning and many people are of the feeling that elections will be held this year. The candidates for the majority of constituencies have been named. A few new faces have emerged. We will continue to watch the developments over the next few weeks.
I am calling on the Government of Saint Lucia to waive all customs levies on Supplements and other products offered by MLM companies so that the industry could thrive in St. Lucia as it is in other parts of the world. Many cutting edge products are distributed through this channel. There is a need these days for supplements to assist us with building up our immune system, while many households will earn an additional income and sometimes the only income. I encourage the government to grant the same concession as granted to Barrels to the MLM industry.
We, St. Lucians are very creative in our thoughts. A friend of mine advanced the thought that because of the several vaccinations we took as children and in some cases even as adults, the Coronavirus cannot survive in our bodies. What do you say?
The point cannot be over emphasised, to ensure that everyone stays safe, we must continue to adopt the COVID 19 Protocols by washing our hands, wearing masks, and maintaining social distancing.
Politics in the Region and the United States of America:
Trinidad & Tobago:
Congratulations to Dr. Keith Rowley and his Team PNM who were victorious at the polls held on Monday, 10th August 2020 in Trinidad and Tobago.
I am hopeful that the T & T government will find it possible to open up the airports and let Caribbean Airways take to the skies by September 1, 2020. Trinidad has to find a safe way of opening the country. St. Lucia is proving it can be done.
Join me in wishing the people of Trinidad and Tobago good governance and prosperity.
Guyana has settled down to business with President Ali making policy statements that will change the way things have been done in the past by both major political parties. A new day has dawned for the people of Guyana, it is now up to the people to ensure that the manifesto promises and other recommendations are carried out. The opposition and the media must get to work to ensure that our democracy stays alive and well.
I will like to hear now about Constitutional Reform, especially as it relates to General Elections. The drum must begin to beat on this topic, evidence of action must be seen in the first 100 days. Never again must the people of Guyana, at home and in the Diaspora suffer the pain of such a long road to election results.
Politics in the U.S.A.
Last week was a great week for politics in the USA, when former VP Joe Biden chose Senator Kamala Harris to be his running mate on the Democratic Party ticket for the 2020 elections.
My major concern at this time is President Trump’s decision not to grant funding to ensure the smooth running of the Post Office when due to the pandemic many voters will prefer to vote by mail. In his attempt to be the one who is most concerned about the welfare of the people, he tried to rush through an executive order, leaving out health care, and assistance to the post office. His actions are yet to be validated.
I continue to be amazed at the reaction of the church, especially the evangelicals to what is going on in the USA under President Trump’s leadership. I call upon all people of goodwill to pray that our heavenly will put a hand to prevent the Disruptor from prevailing over his people. Let us continue to watch and pray.
The best opportunity for positive change in the USA will be under President Biden.
Staying Alive Financially:
I am so dedicated to delivering to my audience Side Hustle options, that I started a course on Side Hustle Acceleration this past week. In today’s world, we must think Global, our principal task should be to identify such opportunities that will put us centre stage of the global market.
Please send me some opportunities that we can all share which will assist in our financial survival.
Special Invitation:
Great things are happening at Believe Nation, all the activities of the nation are archived on the site. Join the Free 10 Day Challenge visit https://believenation.prupel.com/register/?ref=2033
Do you want to have a glimpse of your Legacy when you die, begin by writing you eulogy today?
Keep the faith, Yahweh is in charge, keep on praying, and expect daily Miracles!
Stay safe, until next week.
Your host – Ed Harris

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