JUNE 21, 2007



This past week the Caribbean got a window of opportunity to state its case to the most powerful man in the world. Did our leaders make good use of it? Or was it just another wasted opportunity? What are my expectations? A return to normalcy in relations as it used to be and the U.S.A.I.D offices strengthened throughout the region to deliver the much needed assistance to implement the projects that will be mutually beneficial to our nations and the USA.

The Conference on the Caribbean opened up an opportunity for a special kind of dialogue and the agenda promised much. A special agenda item struck me. It is the involvement of the Diaspora in our future development. The Caribbean has professionals in every conceivable area of professional and business endeavour but do they ever embrace their homeland or their region. Many of them are quick to write off the region stating that their discipline is too advanced to be practiced in the Caribbean. Those who hold that view are wrong, given the level of donor agency funding and the ability of our leaders to raise financing as was demonstrated in the recent Cricket World Cup 2007.

I am convinced that most things are possible, given the political will. The region needs a proper forensic laboratory. We have the professionals abroad who can operate such an institution. We are all concerned about crime and its impact upon our economic survival. What prevents us from moving forward with the urgency such a programme deserves?

However, businesspersons and professionals like everyone else needs to be wooed into doing things, even making a contribution to the country of their birth or their region. Express your needs to your own first, then to the world. Put your own to work for you. It is for this very reason that I promoted the idea of Trade and Tourism Representatives around the world. It is the simple things that are being ignored. What is freely available, we are prepared to pay for and receive a lesser value of service without any passion. When love of country is in play, in any positive intervention, it yields far beyond reasonable expectation.

The regional development agencies are doing their best to ensure that the available grant funding to the region is effectively utilized and number of workshops on Strategic Planning and Proposal Writing are being hosted in the OECS sub region. For the first time in all my years of attending training programmes, I received a programme outline that offers apart from the two days of intensive training, follow up assistance from the Consultant and an internet support site to refer to from time to time. Things are definitely improving and Consultants have come to the realization that workshop presentations need follow up. We are likely to see with the new cooperation beyond the training room, open up opportunities for actual consulting relationships with persons who were trained.

There is also a missing link in most conferences where when the conference is over everyone goes back to their base and nothing happens until the next time. In between meetings, courses, etc. there should be some degree of communication to follow up on progress based on the new method learned. We lack this very important ingredient that will add value to exposures gained. It is time for persons who are given opportunities to gain valuable exposure in industry or profession to find means of sharing the experiences. We see very little exchange between foreign and local Consultants. I feel that collaboration should be encouraged and a local counterpart should be appointed whenever possible. There should be more train the trainers opportunities where in principle those who learn in the first instance will teach others. The time has come for us to change our approach to several of the ways we do things so as to ensure that we get more from every possible intervention where the story can be told to others for the advancement of our country. After all, it is only when we share that we show we care.

In a period of uncertainty, those who chose to see opportunities will be big winners when stability returns. Apply the principle of an aircraft pilot when he hits turbulence at 35,000 feet, he buckles up his seat belt and just keep on flying. Before you can recognize that you were in a serious spot of turbulence, you hear the captain with assuring words, we are now cleared and the ride is expected to fine for the duration of the flight.

Keep the Faith, God is in Charge, Expect Miracles in 2007!

Edward Harris

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