FEBRUARY 14, 2008



When things are tough, many persons wish to roll over and die. There is a saying in the Bible that in all things, God’s people should give thanks. I heard a joke many years ago which drew attention to the level of deprivation many persons reach in life. A guy was experiencing serious financial problem and took the decision to commit suicide by drowning. While contemplating his plunge to death, he saw a man nearby picking up the skin of a banana and began eating it. Upon seeing that act, he decided that he was nowhere near that stage and changed his mind. So rather that thinking to end your life because things are not what they used to be or the life you once lived has eluded you – just give thanks and resolve to return to your former glory.

It is necessary to cultivate a belief system that will quietly remind you of your Provider. Too many people are giving up too soon. Change in your circumstances must come. Patience is a virtue. Many times you are being prepared for something that is greater but it must come from suffering. Many persons are destined to feel the pain before the gain. How many businesspersons have failed over and over again to the point where failure is almost a habit, then suddenly the moment that they were being prepared for – arises! However, I am concerned that too many persons who have experienced being down in the valley, when they begin to live the mountain top experience, they totally forget they were once down in the valley. Some persons although success did not come easy, they struggled and sometimes failed, yet they fail to recognize that it will happen to other persons and it will be their turn to give a helping hand.

I heard that plans are being made to expose St. Lucians to a top notch motivational speaker. I am very happy that finally someone has responded to a great need of our people. The time has come to do something different. Our people need to be taken from the low that many have placed themselves to believe again. It would be great if someone will move to the next level to host a train the trainers’ workshop in Motivational Speaking so that the entire country could benefit. I will be in the audience whenever such a programme is scheduled.

There are very few people in this world who can truly empathise with orders. Too many people forget their past and only see the current. I am writing this article on Valentine’s Day. I am very sentimental about this day and will be until I die. As I was driving down to my place of work, I passed a little boy about 5 years old with one of those packaged red ROSES in his right hand stepping proudly on his way to school. I was moved to see this little boy and prayed that he will always be the person he is being moulded to be. I walked around Castries and admired the persons who took time off to dress appropriately and to express sentiments to their loved ones and colleagues in keeping with the day. I remember when I sent chocolates and a bouquet of fresh flowers with a bunch of red roses to the love of my life. Those were the days. Do I still do what I did then? Yes I do! Tonight is a special night. Will it be fine dining or if that is not possible financially, why not settle for the movies? I know a lot of us will be headed to Caribbean Cinemas. Whatever you do – simply remember to say I LOVE YOU!!!

Here is my selected Motivational quote for the week:

There is no force more potent than love.
Take away love and your world is a tomb.
Your life echoes emptiness without love.
With it, your life will vibrate with warmth and meaning.
Even during hardship, love will shine through.
As you look back upon the events in your life you will find
that the moments that stand out, the moments when you have really lived,
are the moments when you have done things in a spirit of love.
If you have it, you don’t need to have anything else,
and if you don’t have it, it doesn’t matter what else you have.
Therefore, search for love.
Once you have learned to love, you will have learned to live.
Love is the most important ingredient to your success.
Copyright 2008 www.maxsteingart.com

Keep the Faith, God is in Charge, Dream Big and Expect Miracles all the time!!!

Edward Harris
Biblicist, Freelance Journalist, Author, Business & PR Consultant, Realtor, Sales & Marketing Specialist, Networker, Private Sector Advocate, Motivational Speaker
Email: eaharrisdestiny@gmail.com
Websites: http://www.Edwardharris.ws http://www.stluciasimplybeautiful.com http://www.stluciarealtors.com

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