Dear Readers,

I thank you for your patience during my absence since my last post three weeks ago. I have been doing my best to adjust to the Winter of Tanzania and the seven hours ahead of our Caribbean time zone.

I find myself in the midst of Africa; I must say by choice, attempting to fulfil one of my long list of things to do before I die – that is to write a series of e-books on my experiences in some areas of common interests.

I have been fortunate to find a like minded partner who has provided me with all the comforts I need to facilitate my writings. Six e-books in six months, that’s my task. I have already put in place a publishing contract that is very interesting. I look forward to my first launch in October. The book will be in soft and hard copy and available from all the major book distribution networks.

I will resume my regular weekly writing in September, 2010. In the meantime, we will all enjoy Dr. Basil Sprionger’s Weekly Column.

Be blessed,

Ed Harris

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