National Budget 2006-2007 Has Something for Everyone!

May 5, 2006

Edward Harris At Large!

National Budget 2006-2007 Has Something for Everyone!

Everyone gathered at the table walked away with something. The young and the old, the youth and the pensioner got a piece of the pie. This is not a Budget that can be easily bashed. Depends on whom you speak with the response to the Budget would vary but even if it is waiver of consumption tax on essential food supplies or diesel fuel, something was there that will benefit the little man and the big man.

The talk show hosts are making their rounds and Mr. Jeff Stewart has emerged as the teacher to the nation. He explained the budget in simple terms and the News Maker Live audience learned a lot about the national budget and how it is made up in terms of revenue and expenditure.

I had the pleasure of attending a recent Management Committee Meeting of the St. Lucia Industrial and Small Business Association where the budget allocation of EC$100,000.00 was discussed along with plans to effectively utilize the funds. This assistance would give the association the shot in the arm it badly needs. President Patrick H. Joseph and his team assisted by recently appointed Executive Director – Mr. Ian Simon will shortly roll out a series of programmes that will empower the small business sector, reaching out to micro, small and medium enterprises. This is a real investment in a sector that will lead in employment generation well beyond 2007.

The car rental companies’ owners are on a high. I have been privileged to meet with a number of owners who have expressed confidence in the future. Some have spoken about selling out their existing fleet and buying new vehicles. That is good news. I see the need for an entrepreneur to seriously organize himself/herself to enter the used car market concentrating on the sale of locally used cars. This is one instance where the budget is driving an industry and that is the power of incentives. We need more of such initiatives from the Government.

Entrepreneurs are being challenged on every front to take their rightful place in the community and advance their businesses. Banks will have to be more flexible, working capital advances would have to be made to performing customers. If Entrepreneurs are to expand their market, money is a key ingredient. This is not a time to sit on the fence, this is a time to get into action.

It is time that investors begin to put money into the local music industry. We have some fantastic talents and we should not allow this crop of young entertainers to miss an opportunity. The entertainment business is really catching on in St. Lucia but it is too basic. The supporting businesses such as fashion shops with quality garments at affordable prices are needed. There is an opportunity for a garment factory specializing in gents’ shirts and ladies tops. There are niches in the garment sector and I like what I have been seeing where a lot of uniforms are done locally. There is need for more frequent fashion and beauty shows. People need to care more about themselves, especially the males. A well dressed person adds life to the environment in which they operate.

All work and no play cause a clogged mind and the week of Jazz could be a great time to step out and meet with friends, and have some fun. You deserve it. Let the Rev. Al Green preach a sermon of love to you. See you there.

The budget presentation and the throne speech could be found on line at Do read it. The newspapers have done a great job in covering them.

Keep the faith, God is in charge!

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