September 25, 2008



What you don’t know can hurt you. Do you know what is happening with your money as America grapples with the crash of their major financial institutions? Everyone now knows that the great United States of America is not the financial power house it used to be. It is over 5 trillion dollars in debt, borrowing from the world’s financially strong nations. Its financial institutions are falling apart. The Government is seeking 700 billion dollars to bail out financial institutions but is this all that is needed? The initial call was for 1 trillion. It appears no one really knows the extent of the bail out liability. What is the impact of all that is going on in the USA on the EC Dollar? It is very likely that the US dollar will lose value against the major trading currencies as the problem worsens. It is time for a debate to begin on the effects on our economy due to the existing financial conditions in the USA.

While the experts are arguing whether it’s a depression or recession, the reality is that America is in deep financial crisis. The USA used to be the standard by which economic performance was measured in the free world. The same was with its politics but after the 2004 Presidential election when George Bush literally out maneuvered Al Gore at the polls, the world was disappointed and the people of the Caribbean regained their respect for the late President Forbes Burnham of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana.

America is in crisis and Obama is the only hope. His uniting force will heal the nation. This is an opportunity for the people to win and put a Government in office that works. The American people and the rest of the world deserve nothing less. We are truly living in some difficult times which are clouded by anxieties and uncertainties. Senator John Mc Cain is trying his best to out maneuver Senator Barack Obama but the latter has a campaign team that is hard to beat. By the time you get your copy of this newspaper the debate if it happened would be history. I wish Obama well. I am so pleased to see so many St. Lucians wearing the Obama button. I understand that some small business persons are doing brisk business with the buttons.

There are no encouraging signs in the business sector but it will get worse before it gets better and it is necessary for us to prepare ourselves for the difficult times ahead. It is time we pay attention to what is going on in the world. We must stop being busy about the things we can control and try to understand those things that are beyond our control that we need to know about.

Business persons must get their associations to organize programmes that will inform and educate them. The challenge that confronts Associations is to get their members to attend discussions/meetings on issues such as EPA that will impact upon their businesses. Many prefer to stick with the notion that what you don’t know wouldn’t hurt you.

Here is my favourite quote of the week:
Some people are successful in mastering life,
while others permit life to master them.
There is a split in you that is very clear.
There is part of you that knows what you should do,
and a part of you that does what it feels like doing.
Don’t let passion drive you, let reason hold the reins.
Once you understand these opposing forces warring within you,
with this knowledge of the truth: you no longer remain a slave.
A clear understanding of this will make you the master of your life.
Resistance is your thoughts transformed into feelings.
Change the thoughts that create the resistance,
and there is no more resistance.
Are you controlled by your thoughts or are you controlling your thoughts?
If you do not conquer self, you will be conquered by self.
If you are ruled by your mind you are a king, if by your body, a slave.
Copyright 2008 www.yourdailymotivation.com

The key to coping with today’s complex issues, particularly that of surviving in a world being strangled by corruption and greed is for business persons to come together and find solutions to keep their businesses afloat. The economic ship of the world’s most powerful nation is sinking.

Have a great weekend.

Keep the Faith, God is in Charge, Dream Big and Expect Miracles Everyday!!!

Edward Harris
Real Estate CyberSpace Specialist (RECS)
Freelance Journalist, Biblicist, Business & PR Consultant, Realtor, Networker, Private Sector & CSR Advocate, Motivational Speaker
Email: eaharrisdestiny@gmail.com
Website: http://www.stluciasimplybeautiful.com

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