Archive for November, 2015


Monday, November 23rd, 2015

Dr. Eddie Molloy is an Irish management consultant, married to a Barbadian, with more than 40 years organizational development experience of large-scale change in all sectors. He lived in Barbados in the early 1980s when he was a partner in the Systems Group of Companies which I pioneered in 1977. He is now Hon. Consul General for Barbados in Dublin, Ireland. The Systems Group morphed into Systems Caribbean Limited in 1984 and into Systems Consulting Limited in 2000 which is still operational today.


Monday, November 23rd, 2015

“A national economy can only grow, one successful business after another. Each country needs to focus on enterprise development success if our economies are to be sustainable. You may wish to promote shepherding in your country as you pursue your PhD.


Saturday, November 14th, 2015

Let us expose our minds to positive wisdom from the cradle to the grave. Let us strive to be wise, live longer and treat our bodies with good nutrition and regular exercise. Let us celebrate the spiritual wisdom which engulfs the soul and has the potential to release creativity, in abundance, and recharge the system from an infinite source of love. Let us recognize the uniqueness that is in each of us which, when collectively taken at the flood, leads onto blessings.


Saturday, November 14th, 2015

ManOBiz reminds the management team of the importance of many concepts over the five business systems, including: (1) Corporate Governance – start your business with a board meeting to confirm your mission, lay a sound foundation on which to build and finesse the interactive agenda and minutes combination to build efficiency in the conduct of board meetings so that good decisions will be made; hold board meetings monthly to confirm plans for the next month and monitor performance in the previous month; and hold management meetings weekly to sequentially prepare presentations on action items for the next board meeting.